
‘I’ll sleep when I’m dead’. 

‘There’s no rest for the wicked’ 

‘When you rest you rust’

Do any of these sayings sound familiar to you? I’m going to assume you’ve heard atleast one of these. Maybe once upon a time just like myself one of these sayings was part of your mindset. The mindset that working until you run yourself into the ground will help you reap the rewards you have so desperately longed for. 

Well, I’m here to remind you, that this is not the way forward. This life is very short and tomorrow is not promised to anybody! 

Now I’m no behavourial scientist, psychologist or doctor however, I do know that we need some balance in our lives. You see the thing is balance is key to not only our happiness and well-being but also a vital component to increased levels of productivity and career/business success. When you have balance you find that your steps are ordered in a more fruitful way. 

I know people who have multiple ventures whilst holding down a full time job. Which is ever so admirable. But to do this effectively, one must always remember to switch off. If you can’t afford a weekend of switching off, ensure you have at least one day where you disconnect. I mean completely disconnect from the business of your schedule. Turn your laptop off, put your phone down and give your brain the rest it deserves. Do something fun, engage in conversations that will have you rolling in laughter or simply just rest. But be sure to switch off from the hustle and bustle of the grind. And whatever you do, do not trade your down time to engage in something equally as taxing.  

With balance the value of your time appreciates, therefore you are able to say no with confidence. Because you understand that you don’t need to engage in everything. You want to avoid stretching yourself too thinly and focus on the many tasks you already have at hand; with the freedom to also unwind. 

When acquiring balance you must not ignore your body. Eat well, sleep, and engage in some sort of activity. And when your body is beginning to feel run down take some time to stop and recharge. After all health is wealth! 

Lastly, but by no means least enjoy life! Tomorrow isn’t promised therefore don’t get too caught up in grinding so hard that you miss out on life. Travel, explore, feel, see. Live your best life!!

What does balance mean to you and how do you ensure you’re getting a healthy dose? 

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